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Telnet to pine

Telnet’ing to PINE on a remote server does not work with Terminal, since the environment variable TERM is set to ‚beterm‘, and PINE does not recognize this kind of terminal. This can be solved by typing export TERM=vt100 in the Terminal, or adding it to /boot/home/.profile. Depending on your Terminal needs, you can also use […]


Modify your path

If you type a command into Terminal, where does it look for the program you’ve specified? The system looks in a set of directories established in your PATH statement. A number of directories are specified in the default path as soon as you boot BeOS. But what if you want to add to that list? […]


Enhancing bash

By adding a few lines to /boot/home/.profile, you can extend the functionality of the bash shell in BeOS. For instance, you can use all those freaky ANSI tags to make the terminal prettier. Paste the following block into your ~/.profile (note that this stuff also works for bash on other platforms that support ANSI color […]


More prompt customizations

Sick of that goofy $ in your Bash shell? Don’t know where the heck you currently are? Here’s a nice prompt that has colors and shows you the current location! Change the colors as needed if you want, or just use the defaults! Stick this in a file /boot/home/.profile If the file doesn’t exist, create […]


Fortunes told

BeOS includes a port of the famous Unix „fortune“ command, which delivers a random pseudo-profundity when you type „fortune“ at a Terminal prompt. To get your fortune told every time you launch the Terminal, open up the file /boot/home/.profile and add these lines: /boot/beos/bin/fortune printf “ „


