Create people files automatically
Posted on September 9th, 1997 by shacker
The following script will parse all the email messages in your inbox, generating
a People file with name and email-address for each person who sent you a
message. Existing People files with the same name will not be clobbered.
[Editor’s note: If you use Mail-It and want to be more selective about this process, just click the sender’s email address in the header pane to add that person to your People database quickly.]
cd ~/mail/in find . -type f | { read file while [ "$file" != "" ] do NAME=$(catattr MAIL:name "$file") NAME=$(echo $NAME|awk '{print $3}' FS=" : ") if [ "$NAME" != "" ] then EMAIL=$(catattr MAIL:from "$file") EMAIL=$(echo $EMAIL|awk '{print $2}' FS="<") EMAIL=$(echo $EMAIL|awk '{print $1}' FS=">") if [ "$EMAIL" != "" ] then FILE=/boot/home/people/$NAME if [ ! -f "$FILE" ] then touch "$FILE" addattr -t string BEOS:TYPE application/x-person "$FILE" addattr -t string META:name "$NAME" "$FILE" addattr -t string META:email $EMAIL "$FILE" echo $NAME : $EMAIL fi fi fi read file done }