More prompt customizations
Posted on September 9th, 1997 by shacker
Sick of that goofy $ in your Bash shell? Don’t know where the heck you currently are? Here’s a nice prompt that has colors and shows you the current location! Change the colors as needed if you want, or just use the defaults!
Stick this in a file /boot/home/.profile If the file doesn’t exist, create it.
YEL=' 33[1;33m'
BRN=' 33[43m'
WHT=' 33[1;37m'
RED=' 33[1;31m'
NONE=' 33[0m'
CYAN=' 33[1;36m'
BLUE=' 33[1;34m'
PS1=$RED'[d ]'$YEL'$PWD/ '$NONE
Just change the $RED and $YEL variables to some other color to customize. Season to taste.