NAT configuration notes

Some people have trouble getting NAT (Network Address Translation) services working under BeOS. The following instructions work for me, and I hope they can be of some help to others as well. Before you begin, make sure you can ping your own machine as well as the IP address of the NAT host. Note that these settings are for my machines — addresses may be different on your own network.

  1. NAT Host – Be sure the NAT add-on file (not the config file..the other one) is located at /boot/beos/system/add-ons/net_server.
  2. Router Machine – ( )
    Set Network prefs to the following:
    Domain Name – cantbeblank
    Host Name – adroid (what I use 🙂 )
    Prim DNS – your ISP’s primary DNS number
    Sec DNS – your ISP’s sec DNS number

  3. Check your network card to make sure your numbers agree with these:
    IP =
    Subnet =
    Gateway –
    Click on the Services tab of your network prefs window and make sure the IP Forwarding box is checked.

  4. Go to NAT Config
    Under Network Interfaces make sure the LAN box is set for
    The Internet drop down box should be PPP.
    NAT ON should be checked.

  5. Restart Networking and then check ALL the settings above to make sure they took. I found that NAT did not save the PPP setting once or twice and needed to be redone.
  6. NAT Client ( )
    NOTE!!! YOU DO NOT put NAT on the second machine — only on the first.
    In Network Prefs:
    Domain = cantbeblank
    Host Name – froid
    Primary DNS – your ISP’s primary DNS number
    Sec DNS – your ISP’s sec DNS number

  7. Network card settings
    IP =
    Subnet =
    Gateway =

    Restart networking on the 2nd machine.
    If you have a PPP session going, and initiate a PPP request on the 2nd SHOULD see the Net and go get it… but that’s in a perfect world.

NOTE – I have not been able to get the 2nd machine to actually cause the modem to dial out on the host machine. Don’t know if this is my fault or something that NAT can’t cause. John Varga ( replies:
You could always telnet into the host machine and run „duncontrol –up“. Not very elegant, but it should work in a pinch.



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